For the past twenty-eight years, ‘Iokepa and Inette have prepared themselves for this powerful journey. They have lived a life of service to the aboriginal Hawaiian people, and to the ‘aina – land – that has bolstered their faith, opened their hearts, and filled them with the truth of the ancestors’ lives.
Expect: ‘Iokepa’s ancient chants to vibrate the rafters; Inette’s personal stories to touch your heart. Together, they share the wisdom within an aboriginal culture that refused war for over 12,000 years – a matriarchal culture with the powerful means to heal anger, foster harmony, and take responsibility for every part of the earth. In sum, this couple speak of a culture that has much to teach our 21st century world.
There is no charge for these powerful events.
‘Iokepa says: “My Grandmothers tell me, our culture is not for sale – that if I speak to the people’s ears, our ancestors will speak to their hearts.”
Please contact us by email for specific locations, and to reserve a date for your empowering Return Voyage event
Contact us at:
What people are saying about our events:
“We are extremely excited to host a gathering once again. Since your last visit, the Whispers have turned to loud chants! Many who did not have the opportunity to meet you…to meet the Grandmothers, are eagerly awaiting. Some out of curiosity, others to follow the journey, and still others to share the sense of insight, inspiration and hope. It is our desire to be a part of yet another beginning…”
Contact us at:
December, 2024 - April, 2025
Last year and this, we’ve done something a bit different - more intimate. Girls Don’t, my early-days feminist memoir, documenting young Inette’s audacious plunge into the machismo of that long-ago war in Vietnam, was released in the thick of the pandemic. ‘Iokepa and I were unable to take that book on the road. Now we rectify that.
This December 2024 - April 2025, we’ll offer this. When your organization selects Girls Don’t! for their reading pleasure, we will join you - after they’ve read the book - to discuss it and answer your groups’ questions for a couple hours.
As always, we do not charge for our visits – but we will be driving distances and we ask for private accommodation for a night or two.
The book is a page-turner, a love story, and most of all, provides a deep plunge into the continuing gender battles women-in-the-workplace wage still. It is also the most humanizing Vietnam War book you’ll ever read.
Of course, we continue to be open to that powerful immersion into a Return Voyage gathering, where we speak the truth of the authentic, Native Hawaiian, ancestral wisdom, and our unique experience of it.
Please email us your book club’s invitation. We will respond promptly. We very much look forward to joining old friends (and new ones) for an evening of reminiscence and thoughtful conversation.
Contact us now at: